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Introduction to Web Applications



2.General information on the Web

3.History and evolution of the Web

4. Web design challenges

5.Web in today’s world

1. Introduction

•Educational Objectives
Learn to develop advanced web applications.
•Prior experience recommended
This fundamental knowledge is already acquired in Web Technologies.
•Contained material
1.Introduction to Web Applications
2.Reminders and websites
3. Web architecture concept
4.AJAX Introduction
5Javascript documentation
6. Web development: putting it into practice.

2. History and evolution of the Internet

1.The birth of the World Wide Web
The web was born at CERN in 1989 1990.
•Tim Berners Lee described an architecture for accessing documents linked together and located on servers connected to the internet ( spider web) .
•W 3 C (World Wide Web Consortium) hastily formed in 1994 to define standards (
•Access organized documents through hypertext links
•Protocols in simple languages
•Basic technologies HTML, HTTP, MIME, GIF formats. . . . . . . . .
2. Opening, homogenization and programming (end of years
•Interactions with applications and web programming
• Rich languages, object manipulation, development of styles
•Evolution of technologies: XML, CSS, DOM, Server Pages, JavaScript. . . . . . . . .
•Difficult standardization (browser wars) .
3. Evolution of uses and user interface
•Information sharing, collaborative organizing, community spaces
•Social networks, virtual worlds
•AJAX, HTML 5 technology
•Integrate RSS feeds, videos, etc.
•Access personalization
•User generated content

3.General information on the Web

Decentralized linked resource graph

• .Links between different documents, from the same site or from different sites

• .Some links are navigable, others coincide with the inclusion of external resources
links are unidirectional from the point of view of servers unknown to the literature
No show them Coordination not permission not to ask before building
of the links, but no guarantee of remote resource availability.

• .Equipment

Documents (static) .

Dynamic consultation:

objects from applications (dynamic) .

representation of these resources in web browsers

“Virtual” elements describing “facts” (Semantic Web) .

• .Related items

Identifying resources

A place of ability

Integrate resources and assign them properties to create knowledge

• .Decentralized

Link between

they physical products anywhere in Internet Trust, .

early ?

How does it work ?

The files are stored in web servers 

Customer (web browsers) connect to the server using the HTTP protocol (application protocol over TCP/ Capabilities are determined by URL s (character strings in the format: protocol://machine:port/path/and/resource).

Client/server web programming

When connecting computers to a network, it becomes interesting to concentrate certain resources (i.e. information and programs) on one computer, and allow other computers to use these resources only when they are needed This is a client server architecture The server is the computer that the resource is in. The client is the computer that has access rights to the resource on the server.

On the server side

• Server-based execution (PHP, Servlet

•Execution result: The HTML page is sent to the server by the browser.

The client side

• .Client-based execution

• .Browser capable of execution

• .Transfer of EMBEDDED code to an HTML page, from the server to the client (HTML-embedded scripting

Examples: Javascript Scripts, Java applets, ActiveX, Ajax

N-level architecture

•Tier is not really defined as 1/3, This is using the English word tier, .

which means level.

The client/server architecture possesses two
types of computers on a network: fewer clients and
fewer servers, she possesses therefore two tiers and
it's called two levels in English.

N-tier architectures, or architectures
shared, shared the server in bulk
the entities. For example, an application server
which itself is a client of the base server
of the data.

Static website

1. The web browser requests a static page.
2. The web server searches the page.
3. The web server sends the page to the requesting browser.

Dynamic website 2-tier architecture

1 Web browser requests dynamic page
2 The web server searches for the page and forwards it to the application server
3 The application server scans the page for instructions and terminates it
4 The application server transmits the completed page to the web server
5 The web server sends the completed page to the requesting browser
Architecture 2 third party.

Dynamic website Architecture 3 third party

6 The record set is returned by the DB driver
7 The DBMS sends the record set to the application server
8 The application server loads the data from the page, then sends the page to the web server
9 The web server sends the completed page to the requesting browser.

HTTP protocol

The HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol is used in particular for dialogue between a web client (browser for example) and a server (apache for example).

Like most Application layer protocols, it is a text-oriented protocol (based on TCP. There are two specifications, 1 0 and 1 1 (RFC 1945).

Web address: URI/URL

●A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), literally “uniform resource identifier”, is a short string of characters that identifies a resource on a network (for example a Web resource) physical or abstract, and whose syntax conforms to this Internet standard is designed for this purpose on the World Wide Web.

●A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) literally “uniform resource locator”, is a string of characters used to address World Wide Web resources: HTML document, image, sound, Usenet forum, electronic mailbox, etc It is too called a web address.

●The format of a web address or URL


http :://www example com/tim/page html

http://192 168 52 83 /index php

ftp://ftp is co za 21 /rfc/rfc 1808 txt.

Difficulty of web development

The ability to work
●Many mastering technologies that are at fault:
• document structure :XML,XHTML, DOM
• rendering : CSS (style sheets) .
• consistency : lange client side ( Javascript
• compatibility: language side server (PHP, Perl, Python, …) .
• XSLT pouring l’ information exchange
• few PHP frameworks:
Pear , Zend, and others
Javascript : prototyping, JQuery , Rico , Available in Scriptaculous
the CMS (Content Management Systems) :
Joomla , 1999 .
the Java Servlets, JSP, JSP EL, JSF
●Difficulties additional
•these technologies are constantly evolving
•new technologies appear every year.

 Internet in today’s world

The Internet and the World Wide Web have become a formidable vector of information, both in terms of broadcasting and information sharing and cooperation (e.g. Wikipedia)
Today, the website represents the showcase of a company.
A well-designed site therefore represents a definite advantage for the company and is a guarantee of its seriousness and quality.

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